Business Hours
- Monday
- 9 AM - 8 PM
- Tuesday
- 9 AM - 8 PM
- Wednesday
- 9 AM - 8 PM
- Thursday
- 9 AM - 8 PM
- Friday
- 9 AM - 8 PM
- Saturday
- 10 AM - 3 PM
- Sunday
- Closed
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation policy:
We understand life happens, also your stylist has booked your time and is relying on you for their income. Last minute cancellations are not easily filled. Please be courteous of your stylists time. We ask that you make any necessary appointment changes 48 or more hours before your appointment time. Less than a 48 hour notice will result in a charge of 100% of estimated service total. This must be paid before a new service can be booked.